Friday, September 20, 2013

First Day of School Lab with Policies and Expectations

This past Wednesday I completed my first lab as a teacher. I told the class my classroom expectations and and policies that they would face in the class. I also used the time to do an ice breaker with the class so they would get to know each other better.

I thought that my "students" were rather nice to me during the practice but I was told in my reviews that I got kind of wide eyed when they asked me questions. I also went a little too fast and maybe did not seem sure of myself at times. I am sure that I will get more confident as time goes on and I get more experience.

I need to take the experience from Wednesday and use it in other lab sessions and when teaching. I need to be more confident in my answers to students and be better prepared with the material that I am teaching. When Caleb asked me what class I was teaching, I didn't have an answer right away. Students will deem me as creditable if I can answer questions correctly. If I do not know what I am talking about, then they will not listen to me and will completely ignore me.

Until next time,



  1. Hi Jeane,

    From what I saw with your video, you did a very good job reacting to the questions that "caught you off guard" and forming a constructive answer. I honestly didn't notice it until you said something in your blog.

    Overall, I think you did a very good job and it sounds like you learned alot.

  2. Hi Jeanne,

    I think you did a good reflection on your first lab and really showed some of the same areas we are all maybe struggling with. I liked that you had an icebreaker,I wish I would have remembered that introductions are important. Having confidence in what we say and do is really important like you covers here, I agree that with more preparation and practice it will come together. Great Job!
